Vips Events

Direct access to exclusive places and VIP events. sardiniaconcierge offers you the possibility to access to the most exclusive events, and to obtain preferential places for every kind of event. Thanks to our large network, we are able to provide tickets, passes, and sold out tickets for every show or event in Italy or in the rest of the world. With this exclusive service, you will not have to worry about anything; we are going to organize everything, from the arrival to the event, to the departure.

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Porto Rotondo

Via R.Belli, 19
Porto Rotondo, 07026 (OT)
Sardegna Italia

Telefono +39 078934070



Via Eleonora D'Arborea, 99
Cagliario, 09121 (Ca)
Sardegna Italia

Telefono +39 078934070